This page serves as a archive of the product Shortcircuit, which was made and distubuted by the previous owners of this website. If you are looking to download the production, please refere to a searchengine of your choosing.
We take no credit for this product.
Note: Shortcircuit has been discontinued. It is now freely available for download, but Vember Audio does not offer any support for it.
Sampling is supposed to be fun
Prior to shortcircuit it wasn’t as fun as it could be.
Shortcircuit was created as a reaction against the ongoing trend where software samplers are being designed with the primary intent of library playback. It is intended for people who, like us, consider a sampler to be a musical instrument in its own right, and not just a way to emulate other instruments. It has been a very high priority to make sure that adding and editing individual samples is as fast and logical as possible.
The sample hierarchy in shortcircuit allow you to place samples directly at the highest level of the multi, without having to deal with instrument hierarchies and patches. Want to add a sample to your song? Just drag & drop the sample into shortcircuit and you’re ready to go. Samples can be put in groups for multi-sampling and kit-building, but the complexity is only there when you need it.

let your ears be the judge
Sound quality is of highest concern, and shortcircuit uses very high-quality interpolation to ensure that your samples sound as good as the source material, regardless of the pitch you play them at. All filters & effects are calculated at the precision required for them to sound the way intended and oversampling are used when required to prevent aliasing.
Shortcircuit was designed to sound great, all other concerns have been secondary. But don’t take our word for it, download ’shortcircuit free’ and find out for yourself.
…and the toys, don’t forget the toys!
Each voice in shortcircuit features two filter-slots, and the selection isn’t limited to the traditional pick. In addition to the regular lowpass/highpass/bandpass/notch & peak-filters and variations thereof there is an array of filter algorithms (not strictly filters in the traditional sense, but called so because of their location in the audio path) including distortion, parametric/graphic/morphing equalizers,bit-reduction/decimation, gating, limiting, slew-rate distortion, ring-modulation, frequency shifting and phase-modulation (better known as FM). The selection even includes analog-style oscillators that you can mix with the sample.
Specifications (v1.1.1)
User interface
- Streamlined user interface for fast editing at the sample-zone level.
- Fast editing of multiple zones.
- ”In context”-sample preview.
- Extensive drag & drop support (onto the keyrange-view or the list-view).
Sample/Intrument import
- RIFF wave-files (.wav) (8/16/24/32-bit & 32-bit float, mono/stereo at any sample rate)
- AKAI S5000/S6000/Z4/Z8 .akp banks (partial)
- NI battery kits (partial)
- Soundfont 2.00 (partial)
- Propellerhead Recycle 1 & 2
Sampler engine
- High-quality sinc interpolation
- Oversampling used when needed to prevent aliasing
- Double-precision float math (64-bit) used where it matters (IIR-filters).
- Single-precision float math (32-bit) used elsewhere.
- Supports any sample-rate.
- Max polyphony per instance: 256 voices
- Multiple outputs. (max 16 mono AND 8 stereo-pairs per instance)
- Supported sample-playback modes:playback modes:
forward loop
forward loop with crossfading
forward loop until release
forward loop bidirectional
forward shot
sliced (maps slices accross the keyboard)
on release
reverse shot - 2 filters / voiceFilter algorithms:
Lowpass 2-pole (2 types)
Lowpass 1/2/3/4-pole ladder-filter
Lowpass 1/2/3/4-pole ladder-filter with saturation
Highpass 2-pole
Dual bandpass
Dual peak
Comb filter
2-band parameric EQ (2 types)
graphic EQ
mörder OD (overdrive)
Microgate (does glitch/loop style effects when the gate is open)
Ring modulation
Phase modulation (equivalent to FM)
Frequency shifting
Pulse oscillator
Pulse oscillator (with sync)
Sawtooth oscillator (with 1-16 voices in unison)
Sinus oscillator - 3 stepLFOs / voice. Doubles as 32-step stepsequencer and wavetable LFO.
- 2 AHDSR envelopes / voice
- Powerful modulation system with the ability to modulate itself. Destinations include envelope-times, loop-points in addition to traditional destinations.
- Group LFO
- Group modulation routing.
- Group effects. (2 effects / group)Effect types:
digidelay (feedback, filtering & optional midi-sync)
freqshift delay
freqshift flange
stereo width
MS decoder
System requirements
- Microsoft Windows 2000, XP or newer.
- Processor with SSE-support (includes Intel Pentium 3 and newer, AMD Athlon XP and newer)
- Software capable of hosting VST-instruments.